Notification of a proceedings or court documents

A few words on notification

Any application or decision involving the Directeur de l’état civil in connection with judicial proceedings to have a decision by the Directeur reviewed or to have, as a main or accessory object, an act amended, entered or inserted in the Québec register of civil status must be notified to or served on the Directeur.

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Procedure for notification of a proceeding and court documents

You can notify the Directeur de l’état civil of a proceeding or court documents in one of the following ways: via the Internet, by mail or fax.

As of January 1, 2016, the Directeur de l’état civil accepts online or fax notification of any application, proceeding or court document impleading the Directeur.

Via the Internet

You can notify the Directeur de l’état civil of a proceeding or court documents via the online service Notification of a proceeding or court documents This link opens a new window..

This online service is simple, quick, secure, confidential and available at all times.

By fax

You can notify the Directeur de l’état civil of a proceeding or court documents by fax at the following number:

418 643-2864

By mail

You can notify the Directeur de l’état civil of a proceeding or court documents by mail at the following address:

Directeur de l’état civil
2535, boulevard Laurier
Québec (Québec) G1V 5C5

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Procedure for service

Proceedings served by bailiff on the Directeur de l’état civil must be received at one of the Directeur's offices.

2535, boulevard Laurier, 4th floor
Québec (Québec) G1V 5C5

2050, rue De Bleury, 6th floor
Montréal (Québec) H3A 2J5
(métro Place-des-Arts)

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For more information

For more information on the situations in question or the elements to consider when filing an application, consult the directive Demandes notifiées ou signifiées au Directeur de l’état civil (PDF, 32,5 Ko) This link opens a new window. or contact us.

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Date de révision : 2022-03-04

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