The law requires the publication of a notice of application for a change of name when an application for a change of name is submitted to the Directeur de l'état civil, unless an exemption from publication has been granted. All applications for a change of name must be published on the website of the Directeur de l'état civil for 15 days.
The notice must contain the name of the applicant, the address of the applicant's domicile and the change being requested. However, when it concerns the change of name of a child under 18 years of age, the notice must contain the name of the applicant, the address of the applicant's domicile, as well as the applicant's capacity with regard to the child, the name of the child, the address of the child's domicile and the change being requested.
To consult notices of application for a change of name, go to the register of notices of application for a change of name .
Any person may submit comments on an application for a change of name within 20 days following the end of the publication of the notice. They must then notify the person who submitted the application for a change of name and the Directeur de l'état civil of the comments. In addition, if the person concerned by the application is a child 14 years of age or over, the child must also be notified of the comments.
To notify the Directeur de l'état civil of comments concerning an application for a change of name, you must complete the Comments concerning an application for a change of name form.
To notify means to send the form to the person who made the application for a change of name, the child 14 years of age or over who is the subject of the application, if any, and the Directeur de l’état civil so that they may be informed of your comments.
The notice may be sent by registered mail, and a proof of receipt with signature is required. It is also possible to serve the form by bailiff.
An objection to an application for a change of name concerning a minor may be submitted to the Directeur de l'état civil by the father, mother or tutor, where applicable, or by the minor, if 14 years of age or over. For more information, contact us.
Exemption from publication
An exemption from the publication of a notice of application for a change of name may be granted by the Directeur de l'état civil when reasons of public interest are alleged and shown, that is, when it is beneficial for everyone not to have a notice published. This is an exceptional measure in which the Directeur de l'état civil exercises discretionary power. The Directeur examines the applications on a case-by-case basis.
To obtain an exemption from publication, you must submit an application to the Directeur de l'état civil. Please contact us for more information.
In the event that the exemption is refused, the obligation to publish a notice of change of name applies.
However, in the following cases, publication of a notice is not required:
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Reviewed: 2023-01-06